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II.G. Schedule of Milestones and Deliverables
To encourage maximum technology transfer, especially to our industrial
collaborators, the investigators will make available without restrictions
the research, results, and prototypes of the proposed effort. The University
of California will retain copyright to developed software. With suitable
attribution as to the origination of any code used in derivative software,
it is our intention that no-fee, non-exclusive licensing agreements be freely
available for educational institutions, government sponsors, and industrial
- We will provide full documentation of all architectures, algo-rithms,
communications protocol and hardware designs.
- We will provide a fully documented collection of application program
interfaces (APIs) and applications building block libraries.
- We will implement selected pilot application components to validate
the underlying architecture and Information Utility services.
- We will create a "smart space" testbed in Soda Hall, on the
U. C. Berkeley campus, using commercially-available technologies and access
- We will develop well-documented reference implementations of our Information
Utility architecture, algorithms, protocols, services, and pilot applications
suitable for use and exten-sion by the research and industrial communities.
- Based on our "smart spaces" testbed, pilot applications,
and prototype implementations, we will perform extensive measurements,
per-formance analyses, usability experiments, and usage and activity traces
that we will also make available to the research community and our industrial
- We are negotiating with leading U.S. information technology firms,
and expect the following to collaborate with us on various aspects of the
proposed effort: AT&T Labs, Lucent Bell Labs, Hewlett-Packard, IBM
(Pervasive Computing and Research Divisions), Intel, Microsoft Research,
Motorola, NorTel Networks, Sun Microsystems, and Xerox Palo Alto Research
Center. We will draw on our history of collaboration with these firms to
expand our testbeds with leading edge industrial technology and ensure
a transfer path for our own technology developments. We will continue with
the very successful twice yearly research retreat model, to review project
prog-ress and to provide a forum for industrial feedback to the research
expedition team.
- We will provide DARPA with all related technical publications, including
technical reports and student dissertations.
- We will provide DARPA and the contracting agents with quarterly project
summaries and status reports. In addition, the DARPA program manager and
technical agents will be invited to twice yearly project research retreats
with the research team and our industrial collaborators.
Year 1:
- Design and initial deployment of "smart space" testbed;
- Initial design and prototype implementation of fluid software run-time
- Initial design of component advertisement protocols and interface negotiation
specifi-cation language;
- Initial design of sensor-centric/stream-capture oriented data management
- Initial design of distributed, persistent storage system;
- Initial design of tool flow for infrastructure-embedded software functionality;
- Completion of initial system architecture design document;
Year 2:
- Initial usability evaluation and refinement of "smart space"
- Initial prototyping implementation and refinement of component advertisement
protocols and interface negotiation specification language;
- Initial prototyping implementation and refinement of distributed, persistent
storage system on top of first generation fluid software run-time system;
- Initial prototyping implementation and refinement of sensor-centric
data management system on top of first generation fluid software run-time
- Initial implementation of cooperative learning and collaboration applications
within smart spaces testbed and on top of initial version of fluid software
run-time system;
- Initial implementation of system design tools for early testing;
- Implementation of second generation fluid software run-time environment
based on early use and evaluation by other developed components;
- Delivery of initial experimental results and usability evaluations,
and revised architecture document;
Year 3:
- Second generation persistent storage system and sensor-centric data
management system implemented on top of final fluid software run-time system;
- Extensive experimental usage of applications on second generation components
and testbed;
- Extensive evaluation and refinement of design methodology applied to
second gen-eration fluid software components;
- Final refinements and implementation of all software functionality;
- Extensive evaluations and measurements of all software functionality;
- Delivery of final experimental results and usability evaluations, and
final architecture document;
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Randy H. Katz, 17 July 1999,